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Grooni Earthing

Add a Flat to your Fitted Sheet 40% Off

Add a Flat to your Fitted Sheet 40% Off

Regular price $119.00 USD
Regular price $179.99 USD Sale price $119.00 USD
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are earthing products?

Earthing and grounding products are devices designed to connect the human body to the Earth's natural electric field. These products typically include grounding mats, grounding sheets, grounding blankets, and supplies that allow for the transfer of electrons between the Earth and the body. Science now suggests that connecting to the Earth's natural electric field may help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, boost energy levels, and promote overall well-being as a way to counteract the effects of modern living, such as electromagnetic pollution from electronic devices and chronic stress.

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Download Free E-Book:

The Complete Guide to Earthing & Grounding: Harnessing the Earth's Natural Energy for Health and Wellness

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  • Neutralization of Free Radicals:

    Earthing and grounding help in neutralizing free radicals in the body. These are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. By grounding, electrons from the Earth's surface flow into the body, stabilizing these free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

  • Reduction of Inflammation:

    Chronic inflammation is linked to numerous health conditions. Earthing has been observed to reduce inflammation by its calming effect on the body's nervous system and stress responses. This is achieved through the transfer of negatively charged electrons from the Earth, which can counteract the positive charge that accompanies inflammation.

  • Improvement in Sleep and Circadian Rhythms:

    Grounding can help in syncing the body's internal biological clock with the natural rhythms of the Earth. This synchronization aids in improving sleep quality, reducing insomnia, and promoting a more regular sleep-wake cycle. The grounding effect can also lead to a reduction in stress and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Inflammation control while practicing earthing for 4 days

"Combatting Inflammation for Improved Well-being"

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The Path to Wellness

Welcome to a journey into the fascinating world of Earthing and Grounding. Once an ancient practice and now a subject of modern science