Unwinding Jet Lag: The Grounding Route to Easing Time Zone Tensions

Jet lag, the disorienting sleep disruption experienced by travelers crossing multiple time zones, is a common yet exhausting issue. Grounding, or earthing, offers a promising solution. This article explores the potential of grounding as a natural remedy to help reset your internal clock and alleviate jet lag symptoms.

Understanding Jet Lag


Jet lag, clinically referred to as desynchronosis, is a temporary sleep disorder experienced by travelers who cross multiple time zones in a short period. This phenomenon occurs due to the misalignment between an individual's internal circadian rhythm - the body's natural sleep-wake cycle - and the time zone they find themselves in. This dissonance disrupts the body’s natural rhythm, leading to a range of symptoms which can significantly affect a traveler’s well-being and ability to function optimally.

The hallmark symptoms of jet lag include:

  • Fatigue and Sleep Disturbances: Individuals may feel extremely tired during the day, have trouble falling asleep at night, or experience poor sleep quality.
  • Mood Changes: It's common to feel irritable or experience mild depression or anxiety.
  • Cognitive Impairment: Difficulty concentrating, memory issues, and a general feeling of disorientation are also associated with jet lag.
  • Physical Symptoms: Some may experience stomach problems, changes in appetite, or even mild sickness due to the body's struggle to adapt.

The severity and duration of jet lag symptoms can vary based on the number of time zones crossed and individual susceptibility. It generally takes about a day for each time zone crossed for the body to adjust to the local time, although some individuals might take longer to adapt.

Conventional remedies for jet lag often focus on realigning the circadian rhythm to the new time zone as quickly as possible. Common approaches include:

  • Melatonin Supplements: Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Supplements can be used to adjust the body’s internal clock to a new time zone.
  • Light Therapy: Exposure to natural or artificial light at specific times can help reset the circadian rhythm.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and creating a comfortable sleep environment can also aid in adjusting to a new time zone.

In addition to these conventional methods, grounding, a practice rooted in the principle of reconnecting the body to the Earth's natural electrical energy, emerges as a potential natural alternative. Grounding practices and devices may offer a unique approach to mitigating the disorienting effects of jet lag, leveraging the natural energy of the Earth to help restore balance to the body’s disrupted rhythms.

Grounding (Earthing) 101

Earthing barefoot

Grounding, often referred to as Earthing, is an age-old practice rooted in the understanding that direct physical contact with the Earth's natural electric charge can promote physical and emotional well-being. This connection is believed to occur through the transfer of electrons from the Earth into the body, which can offer a myriad of health benefits.

Here are the core components and benefits of grounding:

  • Mechanism of Grounding:
    • The Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously replenished supply of free electrons, thanks to solar radiation, lightning, and other natural phenomena. When one makes direct contact with the Earth, these electrons can transfer into the body, promoting a state of physiological balance.
    • Grounding can be achieved through barefoot contact with the Earth, or through the use of grounding devices such as mats, sheets, and pillowcases designed with conductive materials that facilitate the electron transfer even when indoors or traveling.
  • Physiological Benefits:
    • Reduced Inflammation: Grounding is believed to neutralize free radicals in the body, which can reduce inflammation—a common contributor to chronic diseases.
    • Improved Sleep Quality: By normalizing the circadian rhythm and reducing cortisol levels, grounding can promote better sleep quality and duration.
    • Enhanced Energy Levels: Grounding can also enhance energy levels by promoting better sleep and reducing fatigue, which is especially relevant for jet-lagged travelers.
    • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The calming effect of grounding can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of tranquility and well-being.
  • Broader Wellness Implications:
    • Immune System Support: Grounding may support immune function by reducing inflammation and promoting better sleep, which are crucial for immune health.
    • Cardiovascular Health: Some studies suggest that grounding may improve cardiovascular circulation, contributing to better cardiovascular health.
    • Enhanced Recovery: Grounding can be beneficial for speeding up recovery from jet lag, exercise, or even minor illnesses by promoting a state of physiological balance.
  • Ease of Incorporation:
    • Grounding is a simple and cost-effective practice that can be easily incorporated into daily routines, regardless of whether one is at home, at work, or traveling.
    • The availability of portable grounding devices makes it a practical choice for individuals seeking to maintain a grounding practice while on the go, thus potentially alleviating the symptoms of jet lag.
  • Community and Expert Endorsement:
    • The grounding community, along with some wellness experts, advocate for the practice as a holistic approach to improve overall well-being.
    • The growing body of research and the sharing of personal grounding experiences contribute to a broader understanding and acceptance of grounding as a wellness practice.

Through understanding the fundamental principles and benefits of grounding, individuals can better appreciate its potential as a natural remedy for jet lag. The practice of grounding offers a pathway to aligning one's internal rhythm with the new time zone, potentially easing the transition and alleviating the common discomforts associated with long-haul travel.

Grounding and Jet Lag: The Connection

The debilitating effects of jet lag are largely rooted in the disruption of the body's natural circadian rhythm, which dictates our sleep-wake cycle, hormone release, and other physiological processes. When we travel across multiple time zones, this rhythm falls out of sync with the local time, leading to a cascade of symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and mood swings. Grounding, with its potential to restore physiological balance, presents a compelling, natural method to help recalibrate our internal clocks and alleviate jet lag symptoms.

Here’s a deeper dive into how grounding may interplay with jet lag:

  • Realigning Circadian Rhythm:
    • The circadian rhythm is inherently tied to the natural cycles of daylight and darkness. Grounding, by promoting a closer connection to natural earthly rhythms, may help the body readjust its internal clock to the new local time more swiftly.
  • Reducing Cortisol Levels:
    • Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, tends to spike when the body is under stress, including the physiological stress induced by jet lag. Elevated cortisol levels can interfere with sleep quality and prolong the adjustment period to a new time zone. Grounding may help mitigate cortisol surges, promoting relaxation and better sleep.
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality:
    • One of the primary benefits of grounding is its potential to improve sleep quality. By facilitating a state of relaxation and potentially helping to normalize the sleep-wake cycle, grounding can be a valuable tool in overcoming the sleep disturbances associated with jet lag.
  • Stress Reduction:
    • Travel, especially long-haul flights, can be stressful. The calming effects of grounding may help alleviate travel-induced stress, which in turn, may lessen the severity and duration of jet lag symptoms.
  • Boosting Energy Levels:
    • Fatigue is a hallmark symptom of jet lag. By potentially improving sleep quality and reducing stress, grounding may help bolster energy levels, making it easier for travelers to adapt to new time zones and maintain alertness during the day.
  • Supporting Immune Function:
    • Travel and jet lag can take a toll on the immune system. Grounding, with its potential anti-inflammatory effects, may support immune function, helping the body to better cope with the stresses of travel and time zone adjustments.
  • Community and Research Insights:
    • While empirical research on grounding specifically for jet lag is still emerging, the grounding community and some wellness practitioners share promising anecdotes and theories on the benefits of grounding in combating jet lag.
  • Portable Grounding Solutions:
    • Portable grounding devices like grounding mats, earthing sheets, and pillowcases offer a practical way for travelers to integrate grounding into their routines, even while on the go. These devices can be particularly beneficial in maintaining a grounding practice during travel, potentially helping to mitigate jet lag symptoms.

Understanding the connection between grounding and jet lag not only offers insight into a natural method for alleviating jet lag symptoms but also broadens the discussion on holistic approaches to enhancing travel wellness. By delving into the underlying mechanisms and the potential benefits, travelers and wellness enthusiasts alike may find grounding to be a valuable companion in their journeys across time zones.

Practical Grounding Techniques for Travelers

Before, during, and after travel, grounding can be easily practiced:

  • Pre-Travel: Spend time barefoot outdoors to soak up the Earth's energy.
  • During Travel: Use portable grounding devices like a portable PEMF mat.
  • Post-Travel: Continue grounding practices to help adjust to the new time zone.


The journey across time zones, whether for leisure or work, often comes with the unwelcome companion of jet lag. The disruption of our internal clocks can significantly dampen the experience of exploring new locales or performing optimally in professional engagements abroad. As the quest for effective, natural remedies to combat jet lag continues, grounding or earthing emerges as a potential salve to this modern-day malaise.

Grounding, with its roots deeply embedded in the natural electric fields of the Earth, presents a compelling approach to help travelers restore physiological balance, recalibrate their circadian rhythms, and thus mitigate the symptoms of jet lag. The simplicity and accessibility of grounding practices and devices add to its allure as a natural method to combat the dissonance between our internal timekeepers and the new time zones we find ourselves in.

The potential benefits of grounding extend beyond just alleviating jet lag. The practice may also serve as a conduit to enhanced overall well-being, offering a respite from the stresses of travel, bolstering immune function, and fostering a sense of connection to the natural rhythms of our planet. The growing community of grounding enthusiasts, coupled with the evolving body of research, further underscores the potential efficacy and acceptance of grounding as a holistic wellness practice.

Exploring grounding techniques and integrating portable grounding devices into travel routines could unlock a pathway to not only a more energized and less jet-lagged journey but also a deeper sense of wellness and harmony amidst the demands of modern travel. As the testimonies from the grounding community grow and the research evolves, grounding stands as a promising frontier in the realm of travel wellness.

In the expansive landscape of wellness solutions, grounding beckons with a promise of simplicity, naturalness, and a return to the elemental. It invites travelers to explore a grounded approach to jet lag, offering a prospect of more vibrant, enjoyable, and harmonious travel experiences. The discourse on grounding as a remedy for jet lag also opens up broader conversations on holistic, natural approaches to enhancing travel wellness, heralding a potential shift towards more earth-connected travel practices in our fast-paced, globalized world.

As we continue to traverse the skies and cross time zones, the grounding approach offers a promising avenue to better acclimate to new rhythms, ensuring our journeys are marked by exploration and vitality, rather than fatigue and disorientation.


For those interested in delving deeper into the science and practice of grounding, and its potential as a natural remedy for jet lag, here is a curated list of reputable sources and further readings:

  • Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2012). Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Available online
  • Ober, C., Sinatra, S. T., & Zucker, M. (2010). Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Basic Health Publications. Available for purchase
  • Pawluk, W. (n.d.). Earthing and Grounding: Legitimate Science or Pseudoscience? Dr. Pawluk. Available online
  • Oschman, J. L., Chevalier, G., & Brown, R. (2015). The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Journal of Inflammation Research. Available online
  • National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Jet Lag and Sleep. National Sleep Foundation. Available online
  • Molina, T. A., & Burgess, H. J. (2011). Calculating the dim light melatonin onset: The impact of threshold and sampling rate. Chronobiology International. Available online

These references provide a well-rounded understanding of grounding and its potential benefits in mitigating jet lag, offering scientific insights, expert opinions, and practical information for those keen on exploring grounding as a part of their travel wellness regime.


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